Phone Sales Training and Coaching
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Creating sales opportunities is only half the battle… your team must know how to handle those customers on the inbound phone call. If not, you’re missing valuable opportunities and wasting marketing dollars. But you knew that!
Wondering what your team is saying to customers via phone? Are you concerned you might not be getting the most out of every opportunity? Frustrated about where to start improving?
You’re not alone… and our experience shows that you’re probably right to be worried. Most phone sales opportunities are mishandled, costing companies millions each year.
One of the challenges when managing a team is knowing exactly what they’re saying on the phone, and knowing exactly when your coaching is necessary. In an environment where hundreds of calls come in each day, what reliable tools do you have for evaluating and coaching call performance?

SC Digital will monitor and document your inbound calls on a daily basis, and provide you with written reports and scorecards that will give you valuable information about your team’s overall performance. If you choose, we will coach your team members remotely on their individual call performances, and provide clear paths toward improvement.
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Why don’t more managers listen and train on inbound sales calls?
Inbound sales calls provide an amazing opportunity for training and employee improvement, so you’d think they’d be the first order of business for most managers. However, we find the opposite is usually true. Here are some reasons why:
“I don’t have time to monitor sales calls.”
Most managers are pulled in many different directions. So when it comes to reviewing inbound sales calls with their agents, it becomes a bottom shelf priority. Unfortunately, this is the most high-value, high-importance activity most of us have on our plate and neglect causes bad customer service. It also demonstrates to your agents that quality is not important to you, the manager, and therefore has a detrimental effect on their performance. It also demonstrates that they don’t need to get better because, after all, the manager doesn’t pay attention to this.
This is a big one. There are not many managers who will sift through dozens of inbound sales calls in order to find the one or two that provide great training opportunities. The reality is, many managers resolve to do this, but rarely do so consistently. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of instances, failure to train on live calls is costing companies dearly. Therefore, most managers need that extra helping hand in identifying which calls are important enough to discuss and what exactly needs to be discussed.
“I already pay for mystery shopping.”
Mystery shopping is great, but it rarely provides a content-rich opportunity for training. Customer accounts of experiences rarely hit home because 1) the customer is anonymous, 2) the managers and reps rarely remember which customer it might have been who provided the feedback, 3) it is easy for a rep to excuse bad performance by discrediting the customer (since the customer is not present and the manager can’t hear/see the exact interaction). True professionals need a more pinpointed approach whereby coaches can train reps in every part of the customer interaction, providing minute to minute feedback that can be applied immediately to the next situation. This is what we give you.
“My people don’t like hearing themselves on the phone.”
Most people cringe at the thought of hearing themselves on a phone conversation. This is especially true if they’re not confident in their abilities or if they know they’re underperforming. The trick is to help people become proficient and strong on inbound call opportunities. If this happens, your agents will begin to love reviewing their own calls, because they’ll be proud of what they hear.
“I have experienced people, they’re good on the phones. I don’t need to listen in.”
Whether you have a team of seasoned professionals or a team of newbies, chances are they have blind spots. In fact, we find missed opportunities on 62% of the inbound calls we monitor. If discovered early, these missed opportunities can be recaptured and turned into new business.
“It’s too painful to listen to sales calls. I never like what I hear.”
Now you’re talking – this is the real truth, isn’t it? So imagine having an offsite professional monitoring and providing you with feedback on your calls, and giving you the information you need to coach your team so you don’t have to go through the pain of doing it yourself? Even better, imagine if that professional did the coaching for you.
Our three-step process for helping you optimize your inbound sales call opportunities (Phone Ups)
Ever heard the expression, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you?” Well, when it comes to inbound call management, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, what you don’t know is hurting you and your bottom line every day.
Most companies have some type of issue with inbound call handling. Maybe your agents lack the skills necessary to get the most out of every call. Or maybe they have the skill but are missing key details that would help you close a few extra deals per month. It all adds up, and the biggest problem is that you probably don’t know what your people are saying to your customers. Knowing is the first step. Problem is, listening back on every call that comes into your establishment is a time consuming ordeal. Even listening to enough phone calls to get good “training material” can be incredibly frustrating and, typically, yields inconsistent results. Furthermore, many managers are aware of their inbound call quality issues, but don’t attack them head on because it’s just too painful to hear firsthand (sad, but true).
In order to address your organization’s call quality issues, you must first know they exist and where they’re most significant. We will identify this for you and help you begin attacking the problems head on.
Once you know about your quality problems, you’ll be better equipped to coach those members of your team who need help. Maybe you have that new representative who is full of energy, went through your initial company’s training with flying colors, but is simply struggling when customers call your establishment. You know she’s having trouble, but are unsure of how to help her. You’ll get a coaching report for each of her inbound calls, which details the caller’s information, time of the call, key situation details, and coaching tips. You’ll also have a link to the call so you can listen to it together and correct the core problems. This will allow you to have productive, efficient meetings with your rep and help her improve.
Not enough time to do the coaching? Hate listening to calls with your people? No problem! If you prefer, we will send video coaching sessions to you and your employees that dissect calls minute by minute, providing you with all the info you need on your own time. That means you really don’t need to lift a finger, just let us handle the coaching and training for you.
It’s incredibly difficult to grow your organization if your people are unknowingly squandering inbound opportunities. If you’re in this situation, you’re literally collecting pennies on each dollar you should be receiving in return for your marketing efforts. What’s the point of spending money on marketing and advertising if you’re not converting the opportunities when they come your way?
We’ll help you get that locked up, in an ongoing partnership that solves your training problems for good. Now you’ll be able to hire that new rep without wondering how you’ll train him. Want to expand to a second or third office? We’ll make it easier, by allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse of your office, one call at a time.