SC Digital NH
Team Member Spotlight – Katie Estabrook – Head SEO Strategist
Meet Katie Estabrook!
Meet Katie Estabrook, our SEO specialist who has been an integral part of our team since 2019. Since joining us fresh out of University of New Hampshire, Katie has quickly established herself as a true rockstar in the world of search engine optimization.
“From the moment I met Katie and she started doing work for our clients, I knew she was special. It was like she just knew how to read everyone’s mind and produce amazing work. She’s continued to get better and better every day… Katie is such a wonderful part of this family.” – Brad, Founder of SC Digital
We are incredibly proud of Katie and the impact she has made since joining our team. Her expertise in SEO has helped us drive significant improvements for our clients, and her dedication and hard work are an inspiration to us all. We’re lucky to have her on our team and look forward to seeing her continue to shine as an SEO specialist. Get to know more about her on our team member spotlight!

Tell your SCDigital story – Why did you join the company? How did you come to join the company? What’s been your journey here so far?
So far my journey at SC Digital has been incredible. They took a chance on me, when I had no “real” experience in the field. They allowed me to learn and grow and have supported me along the way.
What’s your favorite part of being a member of SC Digital?
Our team at SC Digital is so supportive of each other and everyone is always there to help each other out. I couldn’t feel luckier to be a part of such an amazing team.
How do you define success?
What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter the marketing or digital marketing field?
What is your favorite hobby?